Is there a simple way of finding out if an Expression contains a ParameterExpression that isn't further wrapped in for example a MemberExpression.
x => x.Method() ? x : null
<= 1 occurence of x without any further evaluation
x => x.Method() ? x.Property : null
<= 0 occurences of x without any further evaluation
Simply put my use case is that I know the Method (no params) and Property values and want to find out if this is enough to evaluate the expression without fetching the entire "object" from store.
Edit: My example is maybe to simplified. There are more Expression types that needs to be handled (for example UnaryExpression).
x => ((Cast) x).Property
<= 0 occurences of x without any further evaluation
I'm looking for an answer to the following question:
given an expression, if I know all method return values and property values of the input parameter but not the parameter value itself, can I evaluate the expression?