I need to offer a plain text file for download. The text file needs to be UTF-8 encoded and needs a BOM to be present. I saved my php file as UTF-8 without BOM and send the following headers:
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="test.txt"');
I save the script without BOM because it would interfere with sending the headers. So I tried putting a BOM manually by:
echo chr(239).chr(187).chr(191);
Then I put out my text. Without The manual BOM an editor like Notepad++ will recognize the file to be ANSI encoded, with the supposed manual BOM it will be recognized as UTF-8 but will contain the characters:

at the start. So I assume it is detected to be UTF-8 by means of heuristics and my manual BOM is wrong.
How do I do it right?
EDIT: HEX contents as requested. I simply made the text "SOME TEXT" and I get:
C3 AF C2 BB C2 BF 53 4F 4D 45 20 54 45 58 54
Saving "SOME TEXT" as UTF-8 with BOM yields:
EF BB BF 53 4F 4D 45 20 54 45 58 54
asC3 AF
asC2 BB
asC2 BF
. My bet's on the editor still. – Cutlip