I have a web server running Windows Server R2 Standard, and am experiencing the issue described in this blog post: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/BugAndFixASPNETFailsToDetectIE10CausingDoPostBackIsUndefinedJavaScriptErrorOrMaintainFF5ScrollbarPosition.aspx
In short, .Net is failing to recognise IE10 and is treating it as a downlevel browser without javascript support - if I understand the issue correctly.
I tried the following popular solutions:
- Installed both hotfixes for .Net 2 and 4.
- Manually updated the browser definition files in the .Net framework config folder and ran aspnet_regbrowsers.exe.
- Put the new browser definition files in the App_Browsers directory.
Finally I upgraded to .Net 4.5 which solved the issue for .Net 4 sites running on the server, however .Net 2 sites are still experiencing the issue.
Because this is a live web server it has a lot of windows updates that have not been installed. I thought maybe there was an update that would address the issue. So I've taken a look at the updates but none of the descriptions seem to address the issue, so I cannot justify installing them and potentially causing more problems.
Does anyone have any other solutions or possible reasons why this issue just won't go away?