You found a code generation bug in the .NET 4 x86 jitter. It is a very unusual one, it only fails when the code is not optimized. The machine code looks like this:
State a = s[0, 0];
013F04A9 push 0 ; index 2 = 0
013F04AB mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-40h] ; s[] reference
013F04AE xor edx,edx ; index 1 = 0
013F04B0 call 013F0058 ; eax = s[0, 0]
013F04B5 mov dword ptr [ebp-4Ch],eax ; $temp1 = eax
013F04B8 movsx eax,byte ptr [ebp-4Ch] ; convert sbyte to int
013F04BC mov dword ptr [ebp-44h],eax ; a = s[0, 0]
Console.WriteLine(a == s[0, 0]); // False
013F04BF mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-44h] ; a
013F04C2 mov dword ptr [ebp-50h],eax ; $temp2 = a
013F04C5 push 0 ; index 2 = 0
013F04C7 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-40h] ; s[] reference
013F04CA xor edx,edx ; index 1 = 0
013F04CC call 013F0058 ; eax = s[0, 0]
013F04D1 mov dword ptr [ebp-54h],eax ; $temp3 = eax
; <=== Bug here!
013F04D4 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-50h] ; a == s[0, 0]
013F04D7 cmp eax,dword ptr [ebp-54h]
013F04DA sete cl
013F04DD movzx ecx,cl
013F04E0 call 731C28F4
A plodding affair with lots of temporaries and code duplication, that's normal for unoptimized code. The instruction at 013F04B8 is notable, that is where the necessary conversion from sbyte to a 32-bit integer occurs. The array getter helper function returned 0x0000000FF, equal to State.BUG, and that needs to be converted to -1 (0xFFFFFFFF) before the value can be compared. The MOVSX instruction is a Sign eXtension instruction.
Same thing happens again at 013F04CC, but this time there is no MOVSX instruction to make the same conversion. That's where the chips fall down, the CMP instruction compares 0xFFFFFFFF with 0x000000FF and that is false. So this is an error of omission, the code generator failed to emit MOVSX again to perform the same sbyte to int conversion.
What is particularly unusual about this bug is that this works correctly when you enable the optimizer, it now knows to use MOVSX in both cases.
The probable reason that this bug went undetected for so long is the usage of sbyte as the base type of the enum. Quite rare to do. Using a multi-dimensional array is instrumental as well, the combination is fatal.
Otherwise a pretty critical bug I'd say. How widespread it might be is hard to guess, I only have the 4.6.1 x86 jitter to test. The x64 and the 3.5 x86 jitter generate very different code and avoid this bug. The temporary workaround to keep going is to remove sbyte as the enum base type and let it be the default, int, so no sign extension is necessary.
You can file the bug at, linking to this Q+A should be enough to tell them everything they need to know. Let me know if you don't want to take the time and I'll take care of it.
to evaluate to 256-x – KuykendallTrue
result in VS 2015 and .Net 4.0 – Huskampildasm
and thenilasm
"fixes" it... – DisciplinantCompareTo
methodState.Wrong.CompareTo(arr[0, 0]))
it gives correct value0
– Microdotilasm /debug
leaves it broken... – Disciplinant/debug=IMPL
flag leaves it broken;/debug=OPT
"fixes" it. – Disciplinant