If this is for nodejs, would a simple monitor thread do? I don't know of a way to get information about the event queue internals, but you can inject a tracer into the event queue to monitor that threads are being run in a timely manner. (This measures load not by the number of threads not yet run, but by whether the threads are getting run on time. Same thing, kind of.)
A monitor thread could re-queue itself and check that it gets called at least every 10 milliseconds (or whatever max cumulative blocking ms is allowed). Since nodej runs threads round-robin, if the monitor thread was run on time, it tells us that all other threads got a chance to run within that same 10 ms window. Something like (in node):
// like Date.now(), but with higher precision
// the extra precision is needed to be able to track small delays
function dateNow() {
var t = process.hrtime();
return (t[0] + t[1] * 1e-9) * 1000;
var _lastTimestamp = dateNow(); // when healthMonitor ran last, in ms
var _maxAllowedDelay = 10.0; // max ms delay we allow for our task to run
function healthMonitor() {
var now = dateNow();
var delay = now - _lastTimestamp;
if (delaly > _maxAllowedDelay) {
console.log("healthMonitor was late:", delay, " > ", _maxAllowedDelay);
_lastTimestamp = now;
setTimeout(healthMonitor, 1);
// launch the health monitor and run it forever
// note: the node process will never exit, it will have to be killed
Throttling the alert messages and supporting a clean shutdown is an exercise left to the reader.