I am trying to setup a distributed system based on current spring-cloud release (meaning mostly Netflix OSS) using the following components
- 1 or more cloud config servers
- 1 or more Eureka servers
- 1 or more services using Eureka and Config Server clients
The setup above is easy enough to get going however once you start looking into setting up so that configuration changes in the cloud Config servers automatically trigger changes in the values of the actual clients, things start getting more complicated.
It is my understanding that for such a feature to work one should introduce spring-cloud-bus clients to the services which in turn will use, currently the only supported implementation, rabbitmq servers (the actual rabbitmq binaries and not some spring-boot app like eureka or Config servers) to allow change events in the Config server to be propagated to the clients automatically.
It sounds counterintuitive to setup such a system and have to hardcode addresses to rabbitmq servers in the clients (even if one will be keeping the amount of rabbitmq servers more or less static).
How is one supposed to register rabbitmq server instances in the Eureka service discovery server(s) to allow for clients to find them without having to have any knowledge about their location prior to startup?
I cannot seem to find any documentation on how this is done given that rabbitmq is not a spring-cloud component. In fact very little documentation seems to exist regarding on how the rabbitmq + eureka + spring-cloud-bus should be setup together.