I am developing a mobile web application (for iPhone & Android) with a local database (using html5 webstorage) so my app is still usable when the user is offline.
This is working perfectly, but I want to save the local data on a server. So I need to synchronize the local DB with a DB on a server. The synchronisation can only be one way, but in the future, I would like to synchronize it in the both way (server <-> local DB).
This requierement looks very common (or will be common in the future for mobile web app), but I can't find a library doing that.
I know google is doing that in their mobile web app (ex. gmail), and I found the WSPL project a google project but without source to download.
If I can't find a solution, I will create a library to do that, as one way sync doesn't look difficult, but I wonder if there are other solutions.