I would like to deploy a Kafka cluster in two datacenters with the same number of nodes on each DC. The first DC is used in active mode while the second is in passive mode.
For example, let say that both datacenters have 3 nodes with 2 in-sync replica (ISR) on the first DC and one ISR on the second DC.
Is it possible to have a third DC containing an arbiter/witness/observer node such that in case of failure of one DC, a leader election can succeed with the correct outcome in term of consistency? mongoDB has such feature named Replica set Arbiter.
What about deploying ZooKeeper on the three datacenters? From my understanding ZooKeeper does not hold the Kafka data and it should not be contacted for each new record in the Kafka topic, i.e. you do not pay the latency to the third DC for each new record.