I try to write BLOB into database - chunk by chunk, using database API C-function (say, db-write-chunk
This function takes a pointer to a foreign memory (where chunk is placed) as an argument.
So, I make buffer for a chunk: foreign-buffer
I'll take chunk data from a file (or binary stream) by read-sequence
into stream-buffer
(let ((foreign-buffer (foreign-alloc :uchar 1024)))
(stream-buffer ((make-array 1024 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
for cnt = (read-sequence stream-buffer MY-STREAM)
while (> cnt 0)
;; copy cnt bytes from stream-buffer into foreign-buffer
;; call db-write-chunk with foreign-buffer
in BLOB is for Large and loop may iterate many times.
Besides that, all this code may be wrapped by the external loop (bulk-insert, for example).
So, I want to minimize the count of steps in the loop(s) body.
To have this done I need:
to be able to read sequence not into stream-buffer, but into foreign-buffer directly, like this:
(read-sequence (coerce foreign-buffer '(vector/array ...)) MY-STREAM)
or to be able to interpret stream-buffer as foreign memory, like this:
(db-write-chunk (mem-aptr stream-buffer :uchar 0))
Is it possible to solve my problem using single buffer only - native or foreign, without copying memory between them?