I'm looking to develop some code, that creates Bitcoin private and public keys from a mnemonic. My current understanding of this process is:
entropy > nmemonic > seed > public/private keys > public address
I am using Trezor's nmemonic library and moneywagon in my code.
import string
from random import SystemRandom, randrange
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from moneywagon import generate_keypair
from mnemonic import mnemonic
def gen_rand():
foo = SystemRandom()
length = 32
chars = string.hexdigits
return ''.join(foo.choice(chars) for _ in range(length))
mnemo = mnemonic.Mnemonic('english')
entropy = gen_rand()
# entropy = '00000000000000000000000000000000'
words = mnemo.to_mnemonic(unhexlify(entropy))
seed = hexlify(mnemo.to_seed(words, passphrase='apassphrase'))
address = generate_keypair('btc', seed)
If you comment out the above entropy line, and run the code, you get:
abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about
My problem is none of this is reflected in iancoleman.io/bip39 or bip32jp.github.io for generating mnemonic codes and public/private keys.
Where am I going wrong?