I have been chasing an issue with a AspNetCore web api project running on an Azure app service for a few days.
Basically I have a very small api project that when deployed / started - I get a 500.30 ANCM error. Cryptic enough - I pulled the event log from the app service and I find this:
<Data>Could not find inprocess request handler.
Captured output from invoking hostfxr: Error:
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest
(SampleApp.Api.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'System.Data.SqlClient', version: '4.6.1'
path: 'runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp2.1/System.Data.SqlClient.dll'
Looking at the SampleApp.deps.json - sure enough I see this:
"runtimeTargets": {
"runtimes/unix/lib/netcoreapp2.1/System.Data.SqlClient.dll": {
"rid": "unix",
"assetType": "runtime",
"assemblyVersion": "",
"fileVersion": "4.6.27618.1"
"runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp2.1/System.Data.SqlClient.dll": {
"rid": "win",
"assetType": "runtime",
"assemblyVersion": "",
"fileVersion": "4.6.27618.1"
I have a similar (almost identical) project that is running fine on another app service. If run the
dotnet publish -c release /property:PublishWithAspNetCoreTargetManifest=true
(the same publish command I am running with the app I am having an issue with)
I do not see this section in the runtime targets section at all in the otherapp.deps.json file.
Where is this coming from and how do I get rid of it?
to the server, intoContentRoot
directory of my app. In my case onlyunix
directory was needed from runtimes. – Filiate