Generally there are two ways to do it, a converter class or a property in the Viewmodel that essentially converts the value for you.
I tend to use the property approach if it is a one off conversion. If you want to reuse it, use the converter. Below, find an example of the converter:
<ValueConversion(GetType(Boolean), GetType(Visibility))> _
Public Class BoolToVisibilityConverter
Implements IValueConverter
Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements System.Windows.Data.IValueConverter.Convert
If value IsNot Nothing Then
If value = True Then
Return Visibility.Visible
Return Visibility.Collapsed
End If
Return Visibility.Collapsed
End If
End Function
Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements System.Windows.Data.IValueConverter.ConvertBack
Throw New NotImplementedException
End Function
End Class
A ViewModel property method would just check the boolean property value, and return a visibility based on that. Be sure to implement INotifyPropertyChanged and call it on both the Boolean and Visibility properties to updated properly.