I have created a basic scatter plot to compare two variables using altair. I expect the variables to be strongly correlated and the points should end up on or close to the line of identity.
How can I add the line of identity to the plot?
I would like it to be a line similar to those created by mark_rule
, but extending diagonally instead of vertically or horizontally.
Here is as far as I have gotten:
import altair as alt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
norm = np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0], [[2, 1.8],[1.8, 2]], 100)
df = pd.DataFrame(norm, columns=['var1', 'var2'])
chart = alt.Chart(df, width=500, height=500).mark_circle(size=100).encode(
line = alt.Chart(
pd.DataFrame({'var1': [-4, 4], 'var2': [-4, 4]})).mark_line().encode(
chart + line
The problems with this example is that the line doesn't extend forever when zooming (like a rule mark) and that the plot gets automatically scaled to the line endings instead of only the points.