I am currently trying to write a metabase question off AWS Document DB and I am running into an issue where I need to convert a string to an integer. Unfortunately, it seems like aws documentdb does not support $toInt and I am not sure how to get around it. Here is the query:
{"$match": {
"metaData.fileSize" : {"$exists": true}
{"$project": {
"file_size" : "$metaData.fileSize",
"timestamp": 1,
{ "$subtract":
[ ISODate(), 604800000]
{"$project": {
"file_size" : 1,
"timestamp": 1,
"dayofweek": {"$dayOfWeek":["$timestamp"]},
{ "$subtract":
[ "$timestamp", "$past7Days"]
{"$group" :
"_id" : {"dayofweek" : "$dayofweek"},
"size": {"$avg" : "$file_size"}
The group returns nothing for size since it is not of a numeric type. Any ideas how to convert file_size to integer or double or float?