I would like to create a Mapbox vector tile (MVT) in Django, using the ORM. In SQL (PostgreSQL, PostGIS) the SQL query looks like this for the tile with zoom=8, x=137, y=83:
FROM (SELECT id, ST_AsMVTGeom(geometry, ST_TileEnvelope(8, 137, 83)) AS "mvt_geom"
FROM geomodel
WHERE ST_Intersects(geometry, ST_TileEnvelope(8, 137, 83))
) AS tile;
aggregates all rows and the output is a binary Field (bytea
) which can be sent as response.
As GeoDjango does not include the specific PostGIS functions I created custom functions for them:
class TileEnvelope(Func):
function = "ST_TileEnvelope"
arity = 3
output_field = models.GeometryField()
class AsMVTGeom(GeoFunc):
function = "ST_AsMVTGeom"
arity = 2
output_field = models.GeometryField()
I managed to create the inner subquery and it works:
tile_envelope = TileEnvelope(8, 137, 83)
tile_geometries = GeoModel.objects.filter(geometry__intersects=tile_envelope)
tile_geometries_mvt = tile_geometries.annotate(mvt_geom=AsMVTGeom("geometry", tile_envelope))
tile_geometries_mvt = tile_geometries_mvt.values("id", "mvt_geom")
>> <QuerySet [{'id': 165, 'mvt_geom': <Point object at 0x7f552f9d3490>}, {'id': 166, 'mvt_geom': <Point object at 0x7f552f9d3590>},...>
Now the last part is missing. I would like run ST_AsMVT
on tile_geometries_mvt
FROM 'tile_geometries_mvt' AS tile;
I tried to create a custom Aggregate function for ST_AsMVT
, but was not successful.
Normally aggregate functions like MAX
, for example, expect one column as input, whereas ST_AsMVT
expects an anyelement set row
How can I turn ST_AsMVT
into a Django Aggregate
(similar to this SO question)?
I know, that I can use raw_sql
queries in Django, but this question is explicitly about solving it with the Django ORM.
(disclaimer: I have contributed some PRs) has implemented the first part, but the question itself is not solved.… – Mugwump