Add this helper to your project:
package xxxxxxxxxxxx
import androidx.navigation.NavController
import androidx.navigation.NavOptions
import androidx.navigation.NavOptionsBuilder
import androidx.navigation.Navigator
* The navigation result callback between two call screens.
typealias NavResultCallback<T> = (T) -> Unit
// A SavedStateHandle key is used to set/get NavResultCallback<T>
private const val NavResultCallbackKey = "NavResultCallbackKey"
* Set the navigation result callback on calling screen.
* @param callback The navigation result callback.
fun <T> NavController.setNavResultCallback(callback: NavResultCallback<T>) {
currentBackStackEntry?.savedStateHandle?.set(NavResultCallbackKey, callback)
* Get the navigation result callback on called screen.
* @return The navigation result callback if the previous backstack entry exists
fun <T> NavController.getNavResultCallback() : NavResultCallback<T>? {
return previousBackStackEntry?.savedStateHandle?.remove(NavResultCallbackKey)
* Attempts to pop the controller's back stack and returns the result.
* @param result the navigation result
fun <T> NavController.popBackStackWithResult(result: T) {
* Navigate to a route in the current NavGraph. If an invalid route is given, an
* [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param route route for the destination
* @param navResultCallback the navigation result callback
* @param navOptions special options for this navigation operation
* @param navigatorExtras extras to pass to the [Navigator]
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given route is invalid
fun <T> NavController.navigateForResult(
route: String,
navResultCallback: NavResultCallback<T>,
navOptions: NavOptions? = null,
navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras? = null
) {
navigate(route, navOptions, navigatorExtras)
* Navigate to a route in the current NavGraph. If an invalid route is given, an
* [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param route route for the destination
* @param navResultCallback the navigation result callback
* @param builder DSL for constructing a new [NavOptions]
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given route is invalid
@Suppress("unused", "unused", "unused")
fun <T> NavController.navigateForResult(
route: String,
navResultCallback: NavResultCallback<T>,
builder: NavOptionsBuilder.() -> Unit
) {
navigate(route, builder)
And Before calling
navController.navigate(route= "${}/${id}")
navController.setNavResultCallback<Unit>(callback= some callback function here)
Then before calling
) that would mean that every layer automatically updates when the data changes? You shouldn't ever be manually refreshing things... – Vaclava