Before I configure renovate to work with my Azure pipeline, how can I run npx renovate locally to check does it work as I expect and does my config file is well configured. I'm trying with npx renovate --platform local command.
My project is based on JS/React so I have installed renovate via npm.
I'm getting warn message: Unknown error fetching default owner preset
this is my config.js file: `const config = { extends: ['config:recommended'], };
export default config;`
I've found inside renovate documentation something related to local presets but not sure how can I configure or set it.
documentation: Local presets¶ Renovate also supports local presets, e.g. presets that are hosted on the same platform as the target repository. This is especially helpful in self-hosted scenarios where public presets cannot be used. Local presets are specified either by leaving out any prefix, e.g. owner/name, or explicitly by adding a local> prefix, e.g. local>owner/name. Renovate will determine the current platform and look up the preset from there.
info from console:
INFO: Repository finished (repository=local) "cloned": undefined, "durationMs": 434 INFO: Renovate is exiting with a non-zero code due to the following logged errors "loggerErrors": [ { "name": "renovate", "level": 50, "logContext": "LHh5xmukB832iVr6l_qFS", "repository": "local", "err": { "message": "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '')", "stack": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '')\n
this is my renovate.json file:
"onboardingConfig": { "extends": ["config:recommended"] },
"packageRules": [
"matchPackageNames": ["*"],
"automerge": false
this is my config.js file
module.exports = {
platform: 'azure',
endpoint: '',
token: process.env.TOKEN,
hostRules: [
hostType: 'npm',
matchHost: '',
username: 'apikey',
password: process.env.TOKEN,
repositories: ['my repository'],
Any help is more than welcome!