I am trying to understand the MARIE assembly language. I don't quite understand skipcond
doing things like <
, or >
, or multiply or divide.
I am taking this simple program:
x = 1
while x < 10 do
x = x +1
What I don't understand is how to use certain skip conditions:
Skipcond 800 if AC > 0,
Skipcond 400 if AC = 0,
Skipcond 000 if AC < 0
Now, I know I would subtract x from 10 and test using skipcond.
I am not sure which one and why. I guess if I knew how they really work maybe it would be easier to understand. Why is it used to compare to zero?
This is what I have:
100 load one
101 store x
102 subt ten
103 skipcond400 if x-10 = 0? // or skpcond000 x -10 < 0??