I hit this limitation as well. The basic idea is to override respondsToSelector
: (which CANNOT be reliably mocked by OCMock).
I made the following class which does this for you.
You can then use it as follows:
extend GCOCMockOptionalMethodSupportingObject
, and implement your protocol
@interface GCTestDelegate : GCOCMockOptionalMethodSupportingObject <GCDelegate>
@implementation GCTestDelegate
//required methods
- (void)requiredMethod{
// create your testdelegate
self.classBeingTested.delegate = [OCMock partialMockForObject:[GCTestDelegate new]];
[self.classBeingTested.delegate markSelectorAsImplemented:@selector(optionalMethod:)];
[[self.classBeingTested.delegate expect] optionalMethod:self.classBeingTested];
[self.classBeingTested doSomethingThatwillCheckIfYourDelegateRespondsToYourOptionalMethod];
If you do not call markSelectorAsImplemented
, then your classBeingTested
will get NO for respondsToSleectorForThatMethod
I've put the code for it here. I'm using this to great effect. Thanks to jer on #iphonedev for setting me off on this path (overriding respondsToSelector
was his idea, I was doing some crazy runtime method addition - this is much cleaner methinks).
here's the code
* This class is specifically useful and intended for testing code paths that branch
* pending implementation of optional methods.
* OCMock does not support mocking of protocols with unimplemented optional methods.
* Further compounding the issue is the fact that OCMock does not allow mocking of
* respondsToSelector (in fact, it does but the behaviour is undefined),
* As such this class can be extending to implement a given protocol, the methods can be mocked/expected
* as normal, but in addition we can tell the class to report it conforms to a protocol method or not.
@interface GCOCMockOptionalMethodSupportingObject : NSObject
- (void)markSelectorAsImplemented:(SEL)aSelector;
- (void)unmarkSelectorAsImplemented:(SEL)aSelector;
#import "GCOCMockOptionalMethodSupportingObject.h"
@interface GCOCMockOptionalMethodSupportingObject ()
@property(nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *implementedSelectors;
@implementation GCOCMockOptionalMethodSupportingObject {
#pragma mark init
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.implementedSelectors = [NSMutableArray array];
return self;
#pragma mark public api
- (void)markSelectorAsImplemented:(SEL)aSelector {
if (![self isImplemented:aSelector]) {
[self.implementedSelectors addObject:NSStringFromSelector(aSelector)];
- (void)unmarkSelectorAsImplemented:(SEL)aSelector {
for (NSString *selectorValue in [self.implementedSelectors mutableCopy]) {
SEL storedSelector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorValue);
if (sel_isEqual(aSelector, storedSelector)) {
[self.implementedSelectors removeObject:selectorValue];
#pragma mark private impl
- (BOOL)isImplemented:(SEL)aSelector {
for (NSString *selectorValue in self.implementedSelectors) {
SEL storedSelector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorValue);
if (sel_isEqual(aSelector, storedSelector)) {
return YES;
return NO;
#pragma mark overridden
- (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
if ([self isImplemented:aSelector]) {
return YES;
} else {
return [super respondsToSelector:aSelector];