With recent posts about HaskellDB, I've been motivated to look into HList again. As we now have -XDataKinds
in GHC, which actually has an example of heterogeneous lists, I wanted to investigate how HLists look with DataKinds. So far, I have the following:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Data.Tagged
data Record :: [*] -> * where
RNil :: Record '[]
(:*:) :: Tagged f (FieldV f) -> Record t -> Record (f ': t)
type family FieldV a :: *
emptyRecord = RNil
(=:) :: (v ~ FieldV f) => f -> v -> Tagged f v
f =: v = Tagged v
class HasField x xs where
(=?) :: Record xs -> x -> FieldV x
instance HasField x (x ': xs) where
(Tagged v :*: _) =? _ = v
instance HasField x xs => HasField x (a ': xs) where
(_ :*: r) =? f = r =? f
data EmployeeName = EmployeeName
type instance FieldV EmployeeName = String
data EmployeeID = EmployeeID
type instance FieldV EmployeeID = Int
employee = (EmployeeName =: "James")
:*: ((EmployeeID =: 5) :*: RNil)
employeeName = employee =? EmployeeName
employeeId = employee =? EmployeeID
This works as expected, but my goal in this project was to try and do it without type classes as much as possible. So there are 2 questions here. Firstly, is it possible to write (=?)
(the record field accessor function) without a type class? If not, can it be written without overlapping instances?
I imagine that it's not possible for my first question, but maybe the second may be possible. I'd love to hear what people think!
, I'd imagine just adding in (and using)DataKinds
wouldn't change that. – EndocardialTypeFamilies
, noTypeEq
required! – Endocardial