I have never used pyephem before, and I'm not expert in satellite positioning. I'd like to exploit pyephem to calculate the position of a satellite using TLE. I have to do something very easy, like that:
tle=["ISS (ZARYA)","1 25544U 98067A 03097.78853147 .00021906 00000-0 28403-3 0 8652","2 25544 51.6361 13.7980 0004256 35.6671 59.2566 15.58778559250029"]
iss = ephem.readtle(*tle)
observer = ephem.Observer()
observer.lon, observer.lat = ('-84.39733', '33.775867')
observer.date = ephem.Date('2002/4/23 10:10:00.000')
print iss.alt, iss.az, iss.range
-40:06:46.3 199:08:24.3 8834968.0
These three variables provide the position of the satellite in the horizion reference system. It's not clear for me how pyephem calculates this values. I've read the reference guide: http://rhodesmill.org/pyephem/radec
Reading the document, it seems that pyephem applies the precession and the nutation, but in the last two line of the document it says:
"Note that no precession was applied to either of the final two sets of coordinates, but only to the first. This means that only the “Astrometric” position will correspond to the lines in your star atlas. The other positions are what are called “epoch-of-date” coordinates, and are measured off of the orientation of the celestial pole and the celestial equator for the very day of the observation itself."
Is the earth precession applied for az and alt?
Moreover I'd like to know what kind of model pyephem uses for precession and nutation (I really need some reference). There is a link to Xephem and libastro, but I can't find anything about the algorithms. Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much!