I have documents of the form:
_id : ObjectId(.....),
prop1 : "foo",
links : [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
_id : ObjectId(.....),
prop1 : "bar",
links : [ 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
I am using the aggregation framework to process these documents, I use $unwind to generate a document for each value in the links array.
But I have three cases where I need to update the documents before calling $unwind, I have been looking at the $project operation, but I can find no information about how to create or update arrays for the following cases.
1) The links property is missing
_id : ObjectId(.....),
prop1 : "far"
I need to insert the links array
2) The links array property is an empty array
_id : ObjectId(.....),
prop1 : "far",
links : []
I need to insert a value into the array
3) The links array has too few values
_id : ObjectId(.....),
prop1 : "far",
links : [ 9, 10 ]
I need to insert additional values into the array
to conditionally add the values: docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/cond – Kassiekassity