Given a fragment which loads (a lot of) data from the database using a loader.
Problem :
I have a pager adapter which destroys the fragment when the user moves away from the tab holding it and recreates it when user gets back to that tab. Because of this recreation, a new loader is created everytime and the data gets loaded everytime.
Question :
To avoid recreating loader everytime the fragment is created, is it ok to use getActivity.getSupportLoaderManager.initLoader(loaderId, null, false)
in the onActivityCreated
method of the fragment?
I have tried it, tested it and it seems to be working fine. But I'm not convinced that it is right.
method? – SarettaonLoadFinished
would be called in the Activity, which would have to lookup the fragment. It could be there or not (in this case, just ignore the result). Anyway, I left a proper answer now. – Saulsauls