How to set working/current directory in Vim?
Asked Answered



So when I want to create a new file by using the :e command I don't want to specify the whole path, just the new filename. Can it be done?

Sulfapyridine answered 18/2, 2010 at 13:6 Comment(0)

As already suggested, you can use autochdir, which will change to the directory of the file you opened, the other option is

:cd mydirectory

which will change the directory. This can be an absolute or relative path, so :cd .. will move up one level. Or you can use :cd %:h which will also change to the directory the current file is in, but without setting autochdir.


will change directory to your home directory (or on windows, print the current directory).

:cd -

will change the directory to the previous directory you visited.

Roswell answered 18/2, 2010 at 13:11 Comment(6)
if you're using multiple windows, you can even use :lcd to change directory for the current window only.Impulse
@Useless: interesting... I don't think I'd ever want that, but I suppose that's a matter of taste. Thanks for the info.Roswell
I'm trying to figure out what the %:h means, any help?Gaby
@Gaby % translates to the current file name including path, : adds modifier, h is head, i.e. the path up to the last path separator, that is excluding the file name itself.Roswell
@falstro, do you know how :cd command can apply to all windows within the same vim running instances? Ex: when using split :spScarlettscarp
When using multiple tabs, you can use :tcd to change directory for the current tab only.Mcguinness

Also if you are browsing the filesystem with the netrw file explorer you can set the current directory by pressing the cd key.

It used to be just c in older versions, but it may not work now.

Shading answered 18/2, 2010 at 17:29 Comment(2)
also use set autochdir to make the 'c' key take effect in shell, so that you can use !command args under changed dir.Turkish
Note that it's changed from c to cd now.Jell

Try adding set autochdir to your .vimrc. If you want to change it just this once, use :cd (or :cd! to force it).

Myrilla answered 18/2, 2010 at 13:8 Comment(2)
the help says this breaks some plugins (i don't know which ones) so I've taken the precaution of adding mapping in my .vimrc: cnoremap cd. lcd %:p:h and nnoremap ,cd :cd %:p:h<CR>:pwd<CR> insteadTit
also use 'c' key in netrw file explorer to accompany this.Turkish

With netrw: in addition to pressing the c key to set the current directory, you may also put:

let g:netrw_keepdir= 0

in your .vimrc; this means that netrw will keep the browsing directory the same as the current directory.

Intratelluric answered 11/7, 2011 at 19:17 Comment(1)
This seems to have an equivalent behavior as :lcd for each netrw folder change. Do you have an idea how this setting could be the equivalent as a :cd instead (change dir for all windows)? Thanks!Scarlettscarp

I don't know what is wrong with vim. I want the directory where I start up vim as the current.

I have followed the tip about autochd above and set that to noautcd in my .vimrc.

I haven't done it yet, but I am about to start up vim like this from now on:

vim —cmd 'cd `pwd`'

That will make it stick to the current directory!

Shakta answered 23/1, 2013 at 14:33 Comment(1)
There's a (em-dash) character in your code, you probably mean --.Jell

Adding this to my .vimrc automatically changes Vim's working dir to the current file:

autocmd BufEnter * silent! :lcd%:p:h
Jehu answered 23/1, 2015 at 16:39 Comment(1)
set autochdir does that as well :-)Academic

Update: Now I just use those code instead of install a plugin

" 自动切nvim到当前文件所在路径, 避免leaderF每个命令前都要敲一下 :pwd.
    " 代替autochdir:  Switch to the directory of the current file unless it breaks something.
    au AG BufEnter * call AutoDiR()
    func! AutoDiR()
        " Don't mess with vim on startup.
        let should_cd = (!exists("v:vim_did_enter") || v:vim_did_enter)
                                                  " 或
                                " v:vim_did_enter :
                                "     0 during startup
                                "     1 just before VimEnter.
        "  forbid for some filetypes
            " let should_cd = should_cd && david#init#find_ft_match(['help', 'dirvish', 'qf']) < 0
        " Only change to real files:
        let should_cd = should_cd && filereadable(expand("%"))
                                    " filereadable()
                                            " The result is a Number, which is |TRUE| when a file with the
                                            " name {file} exists, and can be read.
        if should_cd
            silent! cd %:p:h

    " cdh:   cd here
    nno cd :cd %:p:h<cr><cmd>pwd<cr><cmd>let g:Lf_WorkingDirectory=getcwd()<cr><cmd>echo "Lf目录:"..g:Lf_WorkingDirectory<cr>
    " nno cdh
    cnorea <expr> cdh ( getcmdtype() == ":" && getcmdline() == 'cdh') ?
                      \ 'cd %:p:h<cr>  :pwd<cr>'
                      \ :  'cdh'

    " 方法2: 不好使? 要敲一次pwd触发?
        " au AG VimEnter * set autochdir | pwd | echom '设置了autochdir'
                                " Note: When this option is on,  some plugins may not work.
    " 貌似不行:
        " Plug ''

    " 对于vscode-nvim
        " vscode用wsl的nvim作为bin时,pwd永远是Microsoft VS Code.  等邮件通知更新吧. 其实不影响使用?
        " 我的笔记:
        "  这个也不行:
        " au AG BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h
                " lcd: local window cd ?
                "      Like |:cd|, but only set the current directory for the  current window.

You could install the Rooter Vim plugin, which automatically changes the working directory to the automatically-detected project root when you open a file or directory. After Rooter has set the working directory for you, if you try to edit a file like :e example.txt, Vim will edit example.txt in the project root.

If you’re using the vim-plug plugin manager, you can install Rooter by adding the following to your .vimrc, then reloading Vim and running :PlugInstall.

Plug 'airblade/vim-rooter'
Projector answered 20/1, 2022 at 2:51 Comment(0)

This was solution to my problem when using Nvim NvChad.

I did try to use set autochdir but that still didn't work.

So next thing I did was set custom mapping.

  1. Add to custom/chadrc.lua this line of code M.mappings = require "custom.mappings"
  2. Create new file mappings.lua in folder custom
  3. Add this lines of code to mappings.lua
local M = {} = {
    n = {
        ["<leader>cf"] = {"<cmd>cd %:h <CR>", "Set Files Location As Dir"} 
return M
  1. Open nvim and to change dir to current file location press <leader>cf

Hope this helps!

Remillard answered 28/5, 2023 at 18:18 Comment(0)

For those wondering about %:h the relevant Vim help topic is:

:help filename-modifiers

Once there, if you scroll down, there are several examples that demonstrate the various modifiers.

% and # are a bit further up the page. They're covered at:

:help cmdline-special

Hearken answered 20/3, 2024 at 16:46 Comment(0)

cd can be used in netrw to change the vim's directory to browsing directory.

[ above was also shared in this comment by @user202729 : How to set working/current directory in Vim? ]

Following illustrative steps show how to find where it's documented in netrw's inbuilt help. These will expose you on how to explore & learn other inbuilt features of netrw on your own. 😃

<:Ex to enter netrw>

"   Quick Help: <F1>:help

<press F1>

    Quick Reference: Maps         |netrw-quickmap|

<move cursor to '|' in this line, press 'ctrl-]' to select this topic>
<scroll down to find the following>

      cd   Make browsing directory the current directory        netrw-cd

<:q to exit netrw help>
<:Rex to exit netrw>

(reference for :Rex: Vim - Quit/Close Netrw without selecting any file)

Zinnia answered 22/4, 2024 at 10:0 Comment(0)

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