I am trying to export a Pandas DataFrame to an Oracle database. I have come across the Write_Frame function in Pandas which sounds like exactly what I need.
However, I have done tons of searches online and just can't get it to work. I have imported cx_Oracle and can connect to the Oracle database as well as running SQL queries without any problems, but when I run this it gives me a 'NotImplementedError':
import pandas.io.sql as psql
output = psql.write_frame(MyResults, name = 'MySchema.MyTable', con = MyCon,
flavor = 'oracle', if_exists = 'replace')
So far I have seen many examples of wrtie_frame on sqlite and mysql, so does that mean it won't work if flavor = 'oracle'? I have tried changing the flavor to mysql but it gives me an error saying 'Invalid SQL statement'??
Could anyone help me fixing this as I prefer not having to write the results to a CSV file then export to the database table?