I've activated showing the line numbers with the relative line numbers active by including the following lines in my .vimrc:
" Set line-numbers
set nu
set relativenumber
This all works nicely, though Vim starts counting the current line from 0, while I like it to count from 1.
So currently it looks like this (where, for example, 57 is the current line number):
2 something else
57 current line
1 one line below
2 another line below
Let's assume that I like to delete the 3 lines current line
, one line below
, and another line below
. I have to use the command 3dd
while the relative line number states "2". Does anyone know how to change this to:
3 something else
57 current line
2 one line below
3 another line below
and a count:d2j
. Then the numbers are just right. – Geesey3dd
give a different result by one line. I mean, I understand that they are different commands, but I feel like they should be interchangeable without having to think "oh I should add +1 to do what I want to do". – Slave