I'm learning angular and Typescript.
I have a CustomerService an in this service I Have a method which I wish to return an array of customers from a RESTfull service.
Initially I created my GetCustomers function thus:
public GetCustomers(): Dtos.ICustomer[] {
var _customers: Dtos.ICustomer[];
.success(function (data) {
_customers = data as Dtos.ICustomer[];
}).error(function (error) {
return _customers;
This function eventually gets the customers but obviously it will return _customers before the httpservice actually gets the data.
At this point I thought I could make use of Typscript async/await and this is when I end in a mess.
I wanted to write my function like this:
public async GetCustomers(): Dtos.ICustomer[] {
var _customers: Dtos.ICustomer[];
await this._httpService.get('http://localhost/myTestApi/api/customers/')
.success(function (data) {
_customers = data as Dtos.ICustomer[];
}).error(function (error) {
return _customers;
I immediately get this error: Error TS1055 Type 'Dtos.ICustomer[]' is not a valid async function return type.
I found this Async/Await , simple example (typescript)
however it uses an Promise object: return new Promise
If I attempt to re-write my GetCustomers method signature thus:
public async GetCustomers(): Promise<Dtos.ICustomer[]> {}
I get and error:
Cannot find name 'Promise'
Do I need to import something to get a Promise?
to 'es6' in tsconfig.json? – Nannie