so I'm trying to calculate employee turnover. What started as a seemingly easy task is proving to be a bit challenging (go easy on me, I'm an HR professional).
I can find counts and sums of the columns but I am having trouble using those values in calculations. I've tried messing around with the count, length, and xtabs function but have been unsuccessful. I think I can split the data into subsets but I don't think that's the way to go here.
Below is what I am trying to find
#Running_terminations <-
should be (Terminations in month 1) + (Terminations in month 2)... / # of months
#Running_headcount <-
should be (Headcount in month 1) + (Headcount in month 2)... / # of months
#Annual_turnover <-
(Running terminations / Running headcount) * 12
As Of Status Gender Type
1/31/2015 Termination Male A
1/31/2015 Active Female A
1/31/2015 Active Male B
1/31/2015 Active Female B
1/31/2015 Active Male A
2/29/2015 Active Female A
2/29/2015 Active Male B
2/29/2015 Active Female B
2/29/2015 New Hire Male A
2/29/2015 Termination Female A
3/31/2015 Active Male B
3/31/2015 Active Female B
3/31/2015 Active Male A
3/31/2015 Termination Female A
3/31/2015 Active Male B
So in the sample data above the running turnover as of March (3/31/2015) would look as follows,
Running_terminations = (1 + 1 + 1) / 3 = 1
Running_headcount = (4 + 3 + 4) / 3 = 3.7 Note, only status "Active" are counted in the headcount
Annual_turnover = (1 / 3.7) * 100 = 27%
Once I get the basics out of the way, I would like to be able to calculate the turnover by gender, or type, or both by gender and type.
Many thanks for reading this far.
If it helps, this is how I do the calculation in Tableau.
Running Terminations (YTD) = zn(WINDOW_AVG((([Termination])),-11,0))
Running Headcount (YTD) = zn(WINDOW_AVG((([Active])),-11,0))
Annual Turnover (YTD) = (ZN(([Running Terminations])/[Running Headcount]))*12
So I first calculated a running YTD monthly turnover rate and then multiplied it by 12.
I did some more reading about calculating running averages and I found a user on here suggesting the following function.
ma <- function(x,n=5){filter(x,rep(1/n,n), sides=2)}
Now I am trying to apply this to my problem.
I think the main issue is that I cannot get it to categorize things by the 'As Of' date. Another example is that I want to make a dual axis plot to show terminations and new hires on a monthly basis but I can only get aggregate figures and end up plotting dots. How can I show this on a monthly basis?
yet? – Thermoluminescence