The Tableau SDK uses a native library under the hood, which integrates with the Java SDK using JNI.
The native library respects the standard environment variables for proxy configuration, http_proxy and https_proxy. On a Linux, or Mac system, you can simply export these environment variables:
export http_proxy="http://my.proxy.server:3128"
export https_proxy="http://my.proxy.server:3128"
java -jar my-application.jar
If you use a proxy server which requires authentication, the SDK exposes a method to set the username and password:
ServerConnection serverConnection = new ServerConnection();
serverConnection.setProxyCredentials("user", "pass");
serverConnection.connect("https://tableau.url", "user", "password", "siteName");
serverConnection.publish("/path/to/extract", "projectName", "dataSourceName", true); // Overwrite Existing
I suspect this works pretty similarly using the Python SDK.