I am writing a program to list all unique words in a movie subtitle file using Matlab. Now I have a unique word list that I want to translate to my language and learn the meaning before watching the movie.
Does anyone know how can I use Google Translate in Matlab so that I can complete my script? Is there any web service or so, and how can I use it in Matlab?
Appendix 1: I have found this code useful:
%build url and send to google
url = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/language/translate';
page = urlread(url, 'get', {'v', '1.0','q', inputString,'langpair', [sourceLanguage '|' destLanguage]});
but I don't know why it returns error each time I run it (e.g. 403
or 400
). I know that my internet connection is okay when testing.
opens a webpage in matlab – Jilolo