I've searched many forums and am pretty confident this will be a no, but I thought I would open it up to the community just in case ;)
I've been tasked with creating a tool on our Google Sites pages that records the visit times of our employees after visiting a page. It helps with confirming compliance with document access as well as activity logs. If an iFrame is on the same domain as the page it is hosted on, it's fairly easy to query the URL of the parent page from within the frame, but security limitations restrict this across domains or sub-domains.
I'm hoping that the fact that I am embedding a Google apps script into a Google sites page will give me more options. So far, I have tried the commands document.referrer, parent.document.location, parent.window.document.location, parent.window.location, parent.document.location.href, and the same commands from window and document perspectives. They all respond the same:
When I want:
Do any Google veterans have additional tricks?
Edit: I've just tried to pass variables via an html link the Google image placeholder for Apps Scripts on Google Sites and got a tad bit farther. You see, I can run this url: https://script.google.com/a/macros/coordinationcentric.com/s/AKfycbxDX2OLs4LV3EWmo7F9KuSFRljMcvYz6dF0Nm0A2Q/exec?test=hello&test2=howareyou and get the variables test1 and test2 if I run the url in a separate window. If I try to embed that URL into the HTML page on Google Sites, it throws this mixed-content error:
trog_edit__en.js:1544 Mixed Content: The page at
'https://sites.google.com/a/mysite.com/mysite/test/test3' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image 'http://www.google.com/chart?chc=sites&cht=d&chdp=sites&chl=%5B%5BGoogle+Apps+Script%27%3D20%27f%5Cv%27a%5C%3D0%2710%27%3D499%270%27dim%27%5Cbox1%27b%5CF6F6F6%27fC%5CF6F6F6%27eC%5C0%27sk%27%5C%5B%22Apps+Script+Gadget%22%27%5D%27a%5CV%5C%3D12%27f%5C%5DV%5Cta%5C%3D10%27%3D0%27%3D500%27%3D197%27dim%27%5C%3D10%27%3D10%27%3D500%27%3D197%27vdim%27%5Cbox1%27b%5Cva%5CF6F6F6%27fC%5CC8C8C8%27eC%5C%27a%5C%5Do%5CLauto%27f%5C&sig=TbGPi2pnqyuhJ_BfSq_CO5U6FOI'. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
Has someone tried that approach, perhaps?