As Apple does not provide a quaternion to euler conversion for this class, in my case I had to compute them by hand as shown below.
Please find the reference here, which is inspired by this mathematical resource.
extension matrix_float4x4 {
// Function to convert rad to deg
func radiansToDegress(radians: Float32) -> Float32 {
return radians * 180 / (Float32.pi)
var translation: SCNVector3 {
get {
return SCNVector3Make(columns.3.x, columns.3.y, columns.3.z)
// Retrieve euler angles from a quaternion matrix
var eulerAngles: SCNVector3 {
get {
// Get quaternions
let qw = sqrt(1 + self.columns.0.x + self.columns.1.y + self.columns.2.z) / 2.0
let qx = (self.columns.2.y - self.columns.1.z) / (qw * 4.0)
let qy = (self.columns.0.z - self.columns.2.x) / (qw * 4.0)
let qz = (self.columns.1.x - self.columns.0.y) / (qw * 4.0)
// Deduce euler angles with some cosines
/// yaw (z-axis rotation)
let siny = +2.0 * (qw * qz + qx * qy)
let cosy = +1.0 - 2.0 * (qy * qy + qz * qz)
let yaw = radiansToDegress(radians:atan2(siny, cosy))
// pitch (y-axis rotation)
let sinp = +2.0 * (qw * qy - qz * qx)
var pitch: Float
if abs(sinp) >= 1 {
pitch = radiansToDegress(radians:copysign(Float.pi / 2, sinp))
} else {
pitch = radiansToDegress(radians:asin(sinp))
/// roll (x-axis rotation)
let sinr = +2.0 * (qw * qx + qy * qz)
let cosr = +1.0 - 2.0 * (qx * qx + qy * qy)
let roll = radiansToDegress(radians:atan2(sinr, cosr))
/// return array containing ypr values
return SCNVector3(yaw, pitch, roll)