I'm trying to create a .tif file using GDAL in python. It's creating a file, but saying "no preview available" whenever I browse to it. Right now, I'm just trying to get it to make a copy of the input file. Here's my code:
inDs = gdal.Open("C:\\Documents and Settings\\patrick\\Desktop\\tiff elevation\\EBK1KM\\color_a2.tif")
if inDs is None:
print 'Could not open image file'
print "successfully opened input file"
rows = inDs.RasterYSize
cols = inDs.RasterXSize
myband = inDs.GetRasterBand(1)
elev_data = myband.ReadAsArray(0,0,cols,rows)
driver = inDs.GetDriver()
outDs = driver.Create('C:\\Documents and Settings\\patrick\\Desktop\\tiff elevation\\EBK1KM\\new.tif', cols, rows, 1, GDT_Int32)
if outDs is None:
print "couldn't open output file"
outBand = outDs.GetRasterBand(1)
outData = numpy.zeros((rows,cols),numpy.int16)
del outData
made some discoveries...
I've studied ways of converting from one number format to another using statistical normalization. I processed the input data and transformed it to uint8 by using the following algorithm:
std = elev_data.std() #standard dev
avg = elev_data.mean()
arr = numpy.zeros((rows,cols),numpy.uint8)
for _i_ in _range_(_rows_):
for _j_ in _range_(_cols_):
arr[i,j] = (((out_elev[i,j]-avg)/std)*127)+128 #normalization formula
#this puts all vals in range 1 to 255 (uint8)
dr = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
outDs = dr.Create("name",cols,rows,3,GDT_Byte)
#creates and RGB file, accepts uint8 for input
outDs.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(arr) #write the output as shades of red
#this writes out a format viewable by microsoft products
the main reason I wanted to copy was to prove that I could read in, then write out updated data based on calculations.
what might be a way I could write out the output data using a color ramp, instead of shades of just one color?