I'm using the RODBC
package inside an ORACLE DATA BASE (DB). Everything is doing very well, but I need to obtain a table from this DB and some variables as character type, not numbers.
So, I made my query like this:
e ManzResul_VIII<-sqlQuery(con,"select distinct t.fono_id_dis,
t.plancheta from c_araya.proy_dist08_todo t where nvl(t.fono_tipo_dis, '-') not in ('CLIENTE', 'POTENCIAL', 'CARTERA') and nvl(t.x, 0) <> 0 ")
Is impossible to get the ID number as Character, this query change the type of my iDs variables from Character to Numeric type (The ID has a zero at the beginning, but has been changed it into a number). I have read the function description, but I can see how to manage it.
Any idea would be really appreciated, thanks in advance!
sqlQuery(con,"select ...",as.is=T)
– Germanous