Here's a fun one for those of you who love to bang your heads against the computer keyboard.
Fun little jQuery thing going on right below the navigation here. It's actually a radial menu (plugin). The plugin includes functions that will trigger the rotation clockwise and counterclockwise, and by default the radial menu isn't shown. So I've got the code to initialize the radial menu, the code to show it immediately, and code to trigger the next rotation at intervals. Finally I've used the plugin's API to hook into the afterAnimation option to make sure that an "active" class is applied to the "active" menu item - I'm going to use it to do some fun CSS stuff, rotate some to the right of this graphic, etc. You can see that the "active" class on the list items right now just adds a red background.
This works absolutely perfectly in IE8+, Firefox, Safari, and versions 17.0-19.0 of Chrome. In Chrome 20.x it breaks in a weird way.
The active class still swaps to the appropriate list item when it should, but the browser is doing something weird, like delaying the rendering of the active class on the new item, or skipping it entirely at some points, or showing it on two items (the item it was last on, and the next one)
No script errors, and I'm baffled, as is the plugin dev. Anyone have any ideas, insight?
My Code:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
listClass: 'list', // the list class to look within for items
itemClass: 'item', // the items - NOTE: the HTML inside the item is copied into the menu item
radius: 130, // radius in pixels
animSpeed:400, // animation speed in millis
centerX: 0, // the center x axis offset
centerY: 0, // the center y axis offset
angleOffset: 30, // in degrees,
afterAnimation: function($m){ // after the animation triggers, grab the "active" menu item (object) to recieve the "active" class
}).radmenu("show"); // Show the menu straight off, we don't need to trigger with a click
setInterval(function() { // automatically rotate the menu at intervals
}, 4000);
– Speight