At the moment teamcity is watching and building a mercurial develop branch using the AssemblyInfoPatcher plugin and Project.Website.2.x.x.x.nupkg turns up in artifacts and octopus is deploying this to a staging environment. awesome stuff.
Now I am just trying to get my head around how to set up octopus deploy to handle the default branch getting deployed to production as well now.
I have set up teamcity to produce the Project.Website.1.x.x.x.nupkg from the default branch but how does octopus know which package is a staging build from the develop branch and which is production from the default branch seeing apart from version number they have the same project name as in Project.Website ?
At the moment I have a staging environment, staging roles and a staging project group. do I just need to create a new group environment and roles for production and if so how does octopus know how to do its bit?
Both tools awesome bits of kit and I am sure I'm pretty close now.