I am writing a demo web application that tracks multiple devices through my companies platform. I have the app working, but need a csv file that will simulate devices moving on a map as if they were a tracker attached to a car. The simulator works by reading 1 row of data every second (1 lat/lng point). Here is an example of the first few lines of a file that would work if the points weren't scattered across the US (the SclId is the device name).
SclId Latitude Longitude
HAT-0 44.968046 -94.420307
HAT-1 44.33328 -89.132008
HAT-2 33.755787 -116.359998
HAT-3 33.844843 -116.54911
HAT-4 44.92057 -93.44786
HAT-5 44.240309 -91.493619
HAT-0 44.968041 -94.419696
HAT-1 44.333304 -89.132027
HAT-2 33.755783 -116.360066
HAT-3 33.844847 -116.549069
HAT-4 44.920474 -93.447851
HAT-5 44.240304 -91.493768
If I had something that could create simulation data with mouse clicks it would save me a lot of time creating another program requiring me to drive around with a device and record the data to a CSV. Any help/recommendations would be greatly appreciated. If you don't understand the question please ask for clarification!