Is there any way to forward tcp packets to my c# application on windows (10) and let TcpListener/HttpListener handle the requests? In linux I can do that by setting up iptables (iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 7000).
For example, in my c# application I could listen for incoming connections (Using TcpListener or a socket listener) on a specific port, let's say 7000. Could I somehow configure windows to forward all tcp traffic to Keep in mind that the packets will have a different destination IP address than my computer's address in the network (But of course, same destination hardware address).
I've tried a different approach using Pcap .Net in c#. I'm capturing packets and forwarding them to However, it seems that my host still doesn't capture the packet (Perhaps it's sending the packet to the gateway, trying to find a host with that IP in the network?). I can always use my local IP address in the network, but that would cause the packet to go to the gateway and then back again which is unnessesary since all I want is for my TcpListener to recognize incoming connections. The code I'm using:
static void processPacket(Packet packet) {
EthernetLayer ethernetLayer = (EthernetLayer)packet.Ethernet.ExtractLayer();
IpV4Layer ipLayer = (IpV4Layer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.ExtractLayer();
if (ipLayer.Protocol == IpV4Protocol.Tcp) {
TcpLayer tcpLayer = (TcpLayer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp.ExtractLayer();
if (tcpLayer.DestinationPort == 80) {
Packet newPacket = BuildTcpPacket(packet, ""); //copies the packet but changes the ip destination address to
reroutePacket(packet); //forwards packet to correct destination