I can't seem to find a clear answer on this. If my page looks like this:
var mypets = [
{ 'type': 'dog', 'name':'rover' },
{ 'type': 'cat', 'name':'kitty' }];
$('#btnShowEm').click(function() { $('#emptyAtFirst').text(mypets[0].name); });
<div id='emptyAtFirst'></div>
<button id='btnShowEm">ShowEm</button>
Will Google index the 'mypets' data even though it is not displayed in the html at the start? The real world page declares lots of content in a similar javascript object and displays bits of it in response to user actions; I want to know if I have to do something more in order to get the page to index based on all the content, not just what is visible in html before the javascript stuff runs.