Recently I stared deciphering the hotmail inbox/junk folder placement. After long searching I found out that Hotmail/Outlook is using their X-Message-Delivery tag they input in each mail, to determine alot of things. If you go to source of an e-mail you can see an X-Message-Delivery similar to this :
which if you BASE64-Decode it you get
Based upon my research, I found out that following things are causing a message to go to the junk folder,
If "D=x" is higher then 1
If "GD=x" is higher then 1
If "SCL=x" is higher then 0
Other then that I found out that V=1.1 is allways the same and does not change in any e-mail I received (or atleast the ones I checked)
I think that "a=x" is meaning if the sender is in the receivers adressbook, or is atleast known by the receiver. If its 0 its a new sender, and therefor more likely to go to the junk folder, if its a=1 it helps to get into inbox.
I think the l=1 or l=0 has something to with, if images are blocked or not for this sender upon an open. Although I did not find this very consistent.
Does any of you know, what these tags stand for?
If you do, do you also know what they would change from 0 to 1 or 2 ?
Thank u!