I'm trying to use LinkedIn's API to access Universities LinkedIn pages to periodically collect how many followers they have. This seems doable, but I cant seem to generate an access token without having some weird redirect URL that has to take you to a GUI login page!
I'm using node.js for this, specifically this package: https://www.npmjs.org/package/node-linkedin
I have a API key and secret, so all I need is a access token then I'll be set to actually start using their API routes.
var Linkedin = require('node-linkedin')('KEY', 'SECRET', 'callback');
var linkedin = Linkedin.init('my_access_token'); // need a token to initialise!
Any ideas?
Edit: Here's my code so far:
var Linkedin = require('node-linkedin')('KEY', 'SECRET', './oauth/linkedin/callback');
app.get('/oauth/linkedin', function(req, res) {
// This will ask for permisssions etc and redirect to callback url.
Linkedin.auth.authorize(res, ['r_basicprofile', 'r_fullprofile', 'r_emailaddress', 'r_network', 'r_contactinfo', 'rw_nus', 'rw_groups', 'w_messages']);
app.get('/oauth/linkedin/callback', function(req, res) {
Linkedin.auth.getAccessToken(res, req.query.code, function(err, results) {
if ( err )
return console.error(err);
* Results have something like:
* {"expires_in":5184000,"access_token":". . . ."}
var linkedin = Linkedin.init(result);
return res.redirect('/');
– Muimuir{"error_description":"missing required parameters, includes an invalid parameter value, parameter more than once. : Unable to retrieve access token : authorization code not found","error":"invalid_request"}
– Muimuir'./oauth/linkedin/callback'
im sure its no problem.. but just incase – Blomquisthttp://localhost:3000/oauth/linkedin/callback
and got this error: i.imgur.com/5jjvbZZ.jpg – Muimuir