I'm pretty new on Nodejs and sails. I'm implementing a server which is similiar to Twitter. In user model, there should be 2 fields: follower and following, and the 2 fields are association of the model 'user' itself.
My question is when the model have only 1 association, either follower or following, it works. However, when both follower and following included, there would be en error.
The code is something like this:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
alias: {
required: true,
primaryKey: true
pwd: {
type: 'string',
required: true
follower: {
collection: 'user',
via: 'alias'
collection: 'user',
via: 'alias'
The code will cause such error:
throw new Error('Trying to associate a collection attribute to a model tha
Error: Trying to associate a collection attribute to a model that doesn't have a Foreign Key. user is trying to reference a foreign key in user
at References.findReference (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/sails/node_modules/waterline/node_modules/waterline-schema/lib/waterline-schema/references.js:115:11)
at References.addKeys (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/sails/node_modules/waterline/node_modules/waterline-schema/lib/waterline-schema/references.js:72:22)
Actually,I just define 'following,' even never use it. Then the sails report the error when lifing. – Bowl