I am struggling with git making run Beyond Compare as my difftool.
I'm using "Git For Windows", Windows 7 32 bits and Beyond Compare 4
$ git --version
git version 1.9.5.msysgit.1
$ git config --list
tool = bc3
[difftool "bc3"]
path = c:/Program Files/Beyond Compare 4/bcomp.exe
tool = bc3
[mergetool "bc3"]
path = c:/Program Files/Beyond Compare 4/bcomp.exe
Now I've read others questions here and there and followed instructions such as :
- Change 'bc3' by other name i.e. 'abc3' or 'beyondcompare'
- The command : git difftool --tool=bc3 MyFile.java
- Changing 'bc3'path in .gitconfig to 'c:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 4\bcomp.exe'
- Added $LOCAL $REMOTE to path
What I've realized is that it always launches the default diff console viewer/tool (vimdiff if i'm not wrong) although passing the above mentioned parameter '--tool=bc3' or '--tool=anyname', to 'git difftool' command.
Finally, it just works for 'git mergetool' , in this case beyond compare is launched and as you can see the parameters are the same.
If I've forgotten something or more details are needed, please let me know Thanks
"When I enter the command git difftool"
git difftool --tool=bc3 HEAD botnet. java
– Fincher