I am trying to add support for sidecar applications in EHR platforms. I am taking a pure implementer's approach to build an intermediate representation (such as an XML) for mapping CDA<--->FHIR. I am using the smart-on-fhir as the reference implementation for this. The CDA I am trying to use is the Australian extension - ereferral (www.digitalhealth.gov.au/implementation-resources/clinical-documents/EP-0936-2012/NEHTA-0967-2012).
Is it possible to create such an intermediate representation using the smart-on-fhir (or any other FHIR) reference implementation? Has anyone else tried this?
While searching for actual implementations I came across these repos:
The FHIR group has some hand crafted examples. Are there any equivalent CDA examples for these FHIR resources?
I have read couple of web articles and white paper documents regarding the challenges between the transforms, such as:
- David Hay's blog says "FHIR document is that it is like an object graph, rooted in the composition resource", so is their an equivalent representation for CDA?
- Rene Spronk's article about whether HL7 v3 is a message or a document. What are the implications for an implementer who has to handle and validate representations across both CDA and FHIR
- Lantana Group position paper - "If or when FHIR can accommodate the full CDA use case, the future holds the promise of seamless integration and information sharing between clinical documents and APIs". Does this mean that CDA<--->FHIR transform is not possible at this stage of the FHIR standard?
Apologies for cross posting it in both SO and FHIR community forums: http://community.fhir.org/t/cda-fhir-mapping-implementations/211/1