I'm running this code with a Twitter handle I'm pretty sure doesn't exist in order to test error handling. The breakpoints on the Callback are never hit, neither for success nor failure.
Any pointers on why this is?
Just as a note, this code works fine with a valid Twitter handle, but doesn't call the Callback either.
final Callback<Tweet> actionCallback = new Callback<Tweet>() {
public void success(Result<Tweet> result) {
int x = 1;
x++; // This code is just so I can put a breakpoint here
public void failure(TwitterException exception) {
DialogManager.showOkDialog(context, R.string.twitter_feed_not_found);
final UserTimeline userTimeline = new UserTimeline.Builder().screenName(handleStr + "dfdfddfdfdfasdf") // Handle that doesn't exist
final TweetTimelineListAdapter adapter = new TweetTimelineListAdapter.Builder(context)
? – Connate