I'm currently developing a dApp in Solidity and am working on a web3 library to handle communication with it.
I struggle with the process of new account creation and transaction signing in web3. Before I continue it worth noting that I'm running my own local, private blockchain (currently with Ganache).
My code looks as follows:
let a = web3.eth.accounts.create()
let dataTx = someContract.methods.someMethod().encodeABI()
let rawTx = {
to: someContract._address,
from: account.address,
data: dataTx,
gas: 10000000000
const transaction = web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(rawTx, util.toBuffer(account.privateKey))
The problem here is that the web3.eth.sendTransaction()
method raises the following exception:
Error: Returned error: sender account not recognized.
My understanding is that web3.eth.accounts
is used for managing local accounts and web3.eth.personal
is used to communicate with a client (e.g. Geth). I wish to keep the private keys of accounts my app creates locally on the device of the web3 client, but it raises this exception.
Where am I going wrong? Should I register the newly created accounts somewhere before running transactions with it? Is there some vital information I'm missing here?