I have been searching everywhere to figure out how to add an event inside a gutenberg block. I am working to add an accordion system using ACF and Foundation. I have created a block and fields and template using ACF. I would like my users to be able to open and close the accordion in the visual mode.
I did find the following script that monitors when blocks are changed. The only issue is that it fires before everything is loaded and I had to use a timeout to allow the blocks to fully load. I have been unable to find a better way of accomplishing this. Any suggestions?
const getBlockList = () => wp.data.select( 'core/editor' ).getBlocks();
let blockList = getBlockList();
wp.data.subscribe(() => {
const newBlockList = getBlockList();
const blockListChanged = newBlockList !== blockList;
blockList = newBlockList;
if ( blockListChanged ) {
}, 4000);