since a few weeks ago I receive an error, when capturing a paypal order. All works fine in the sandbox but not in the production environment.
The buttons are rendered correctly and the paypal window opens. After I login to paypal the console on the shop prints:
buttonCorrelationID: "f648506974719"
buttonSessionID: "xxx"
clientID: "xxx"
env: "production"
err: "Identitysecuretokenserv responded with status 401 for securityContext"
referer: ""
sdkCorrelationID: "a156c1d6c1aa1"
sessionID: "xxx"
time: "1644485190845"
timestamp: "1644485190845"
token: "xxx"
user_id: "xxx"
xxx is replaced and in real it is filled with the correct data.
In the paypal window I don't see any error. Even when I change the adress and the callback "onShippingChange" is being called I get the correct shipping price. I don't get any error then.
After I click on "pay now" the paypal-popup closes and I see this error:
Error: Api: /smart/api/order/xxx/capture
returned ack: permission_denied (Corr ID: f1924860b1e9c {
"message":"Insufficient privileges"
As I said in the beginning this only appears in the production environment. The sandbox works fine. This error just appeared a few weeks ago. Before then it worked in the production environment fine as well. This occured at the same time on all the online shops of my clients and all have different merchant accounts.
Does anybody has an idea what's wrong? I can provide all the information and the code if needed.
thanks and kind regards hansrouge