Problems with inference seem to be one of the reasons why the particular MTL implementation that you linked is relying on traits such as MonadPartialOrder instead of MonadTransformer
Basically, what happens here is this: When you want to get from F
to G
- The
-approach asks for a bridge from F
to G
- Your approach asks to deconstruct
into [X] =>> T[M, X]
, then find a fancy universal bridge-builder T
, and then use that contraption to build a bridge from F
to ([X] =>> T[M, X])
Thus, cats.mtl
's approach is much simpler, and far less demanding of the inference algorithm. That's why cats.mtl
works, whereas your approach doesn't.
I'll first sketch how your example can be fixed, then I'll speculate a little about why your approach does not work.
A solution with MonadPartialOrder
Here is how I'd try to approach your problem using the MonadPartialOrder
from cats.mtl
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.mtl.MonadPartialOrder
trait CanPersist[M[_]]:
def persistToDB[A](a: A): M[Unit]
given CanPersist[IO] with
def persistToDB[A](a: A): IO[Unit] = IO(???) // Write to DB
given persistTA[F[_]: CanPersist: Monad, G[_]]
(using mpo: MonadPartialOrder[F, G]): CanPersist[G] with
def persistToDB[A](a: A): G[Unit] =
def saveIntString[M[_]: Monad]
(int: Int, string: String)
(using P:CanPersist[M])
: M[String] =
for {
_ <- P.persistToDB(int)
_ <- P.persistToDB(string)
} yield "done"
def res: WriterT[IO, String, String] = saveIntString(2, "test")
@main def main(): Unit =
println("Run it with 'sbt clean compile run'")
The basic idea is to use MonadPartialOrder[F, G]
to get from F
to G
, instead of requiring a MonadTransformer[T]
to get from F
to [X] =>> T[F, X]
This compiles and runs just fine on Scala 3.1.2, here is a complete build.sbt
, if you want to try it out:
import Dependencies._
ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "3.1.2"
ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
ThisBuild / organization := "com.foobarbaz"
ThisBuild / organizationName := "example"
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
name := "cats-mtl-so-question-72407103",
scalacOptions += "-explaintypes",
libraryDependencies += scalaTest % Test,
libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats-core" % "2.7.0",
libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats-mtl" % "1.2.1",
libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % "3.4-389-3862cf0",
Why your approach does not work
The logic in your explanation seems fine to me, so I would say that the compiler currently cannot infer the required typeclasses. The reason why your solution does not work (whereas cats.mtl
does), is that your solution is attempting to work at a higher level of abstraction than cats.mtl
The problem that an average MTL implementation is usually trying to solve looks somewhat like this:
For a fixed property P
and two fixed monads LameMonad
and FancyMonad
, find a way to lift P
from the LameMonad
to the FancyMonad
This is done for a few useful properties P
(such as that you can Ask
, Tell
, access and mutate Stateful
stuff and so on), and a reasonable amount of different combinations of LameMonad
and FancyMonad
, with the fancy monads usually arising from the lame monads by applying some monad transformer (such as those from
). Note how the the quantifiers "for a few", "for a reasonable amount" appear in the metadiscussion outside of the problem statement that we're trying to solve automatically.
Now, contrast this to your code, where you greet the compiler with the following signature:
given monadTA[M[_]: Monad, T[_[_], _]: MonadTransformer] // ... etc
The contextual bound : MonadTransformer
demands that the compiler solves a problem that looks roughly like
For a fixed T
, find a unique constructive proof that
for all monads M
, [X] => T[M, X]
is also a monad.
Note how the for all
quantifier has now slipped into the problem statement of the task we are trying to automate, and also note that now the compiler is somehow supposed to infer the "right" way to match a higher kind Foo
against [A] =>> T[M, A]
with a higher-kinded M
The task of matching against [A] =>> T[M, A]
is tricky (thanks to subclassing / inheritance even trickier than in Haskell), and actually somewhat ill-defined. For example, WriterT[IO, String, V]
can be decomposed in multiple ways: is it
[X[_], Y] =>> WriterT[X, String, Y]
applied to IO
and V
or is it
[X[_], Y] =>> WriterT[IO, Y, X[V]]
applied to Id[_]
and String
or is it any other combination? Some conventions (taking the rightmost argument first etc.) seem to work in most common cases, but apparently not in your particular case.
So, without being able to tell for sure, I assume that all those universal quantifications over higher kinds somehow manage to confuse the compiler badly enough that the approach becomes impractical. I also assume that this is one of the reasons why cats.mtl
is using MonadPartialOrder
instead of MonadTransformer
-typeclasses: the MonadPartialOrder[F, G]
tells you just that you can do with G
anything you can do with F
, for two fixed monads F
and G
. The kinds of both parameters are * -> *
, which is much more benign than all those higher-kinded [X[_], Y] =>> Z[X, Y]
So, to reiterate, MTL is doing this:
For a few selected `P`, `F`, `G`, solve problem: "lift P from F to G"
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
meta-level, interpreted by humans easy for compiler
whereas you are attempting something closer to this (waves hands handwavily):
For a fixed `P`, solve: "for all `F`, `G`, lift `P` from `F` to `G`"
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
meta-level, easy too hard for the compiler
which is sufficient, but not necessary (and therefore unnecessarily hard for the compiler).