This is what I know so far from my understanding of Github:
Github allows default reviewers whether it be for a specific type of file in any/certain location through the creation of the CODEOWNERS file.
Github allows the number of reviewers that are required to approve a PR. You can also specify what type of access they have.
Github allows required review from Code Owners
What I want to know is if there is a way to set up mandatory reviewers meaning that the PR can't get merged until certain people give their approval.
For example, I created a PR and I have reviewers A, B, C, D, E, and F. I want to make it so that this PR cannot get merged until reviewers A and B have approved it. I thought I could use the Require review from Code Owners but I think that it only requires at least one person to approve. The other idea that came to mind was just setting the required approval to the same number of people inside the code owners. Any help would be much appreciated.